Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thomas Jefferson was a John Bircher

I have discovered new secret information proving that Thomas Jefferson was a John Bircher - more than 100 years before there any other John Birchers. This article here talks about Thomas Jefferson. But anyone who reads it is a John Bircher. They come from "pods" and are guilty of "bad craziness." Thomas Jefferson was obviously part of a conspiracy with John Birch, whoever that was.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Outrageous outrage of the day; Ugandan Al Qaeda bombing

The story of Al Qaeda terrorists from Somalia bombing restaurants in Uganda and killing dozens of people watching the World Cup finals was rapidly spread throughout the wingnutsphere, with the requisite expressions of outrageous outrage, rage, and more outrage.

And once again, it’s a bogus story.

So I will not talk about it. (I used to write about this kind of thing all of the time, but since all of America became raaaaaacist, I will ignore it). Instead, here is another comic book cover.

I call it "J-Men" Issue #4.

I cannot stop writing about Pamela Geller

I used to ban people from linking to or mentioning Pam Geller. I was going to kill her with silence. But now, I write about her all the time, except when I am writing about Robert Stacy McCain (with whom I am obsessed).

Now that she has more readers than I do, I must convince everyone that she is bad by yelling bad words at them. These are the words I use to describe Pam Geller:

Shrieking Harpy
Right Wing
Hate Speech
Conspiracy Theories
Bad Craziness

Those are bad words - especially "bad craziness" and "hate speech." Heee Heee Heee.

After I write these words on my blog, I go to the nearest street corner and yell them at passersby. That'll show her.

If I say these words often enough, people will stop liking her and come to my blog so that I can get traffic. I will be popular again.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

More bad stuff about Robert Stacy McCain.

Did you know that Robert Stacy McCain did not eat all of his vegetables at dinner last night? (I know this because of that whole obsession thing.)

Well, he is not going to get away with this. He is vile and a racist and he has no traffic at his blog.

He is bad.

I hate him.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More on Robert Stacy McCain

I have it on good authority that Robert Stacy McCain left his house this morning at 7:30 A.M. (I know this because I am obsessed.)

Did McCain have a reason to leave the house at this time, or do all Nazis leave the house at 7:30 in the morning?

[P.S. If you call Elena Kagan a Nazi, you are vile, filthy, racist etc. etc.]

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am obsessed with Robert Stacy McCain

I am obsessed with Robert Stacy McCain (almost as much as I am obsessed with Pamela Geller.). He is a bad man. Even though no one knows who he is and even though he is insignificant and vile and racist and capitalist, I will spend all of my time talking about everything he does and drawing pictures of him.

I also use his middle name, even though it is racist for anyone to use Obama's middle name.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I have nothing but strawmen.

Norman Lear called me. He wants his strawmen back.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

If you don't say that Thurgood Marshall was "mainstream," I will cry.

Anyone who believes in god is a racist, Nazi, homophopic, vile, Halliburton, rightwing, sexist, fascist, white supremacist bad guy. So even though I don't believe in God, I believe that Thurgood Marshall was a saint. There is no god, and Thurgood Marshall was his saint.

So anyone that disagrees with Thurgood Marshall, or who does not consider him to be "mainstream" or who thinks he was "results-oriented" is foul, fringe, appalling and racist.

You WILL believe that Marshall was "mainstream" or you WILL be called racist. After all, the man had an airport named after him. Everyone with an airport named after them must be revered as "mainstream." Or else.