Monday, March 1, 2010

The Greek crisis hoax

Apparantly there is a new hoax going around the internet about how Greece is having financial trouble from too much government spending and that people are rioting in the streets and that somehow America will end up this way if we keep spending trillions of dollars with no way to pay it back.

I, for one, will not fall for it. Even if there is a country known as "Greece," it is doubtful that it will run out of money, as the government can always make more like we do here.

It is really amazing and laughable that so many rightwing blogs have fallen for this hoax and have actually repeated it on their websites. FAIL. PWNED. (I use lingo like "fail" and "pwned" to show how cool I am.)

From now on, those who believe that there is a country called "Greece" that is bankrupt and that this has something to do with the U.S. will be called "Greecers." But I will not link to them to prove it because:
  1. That whole "lack-of-testicle" thing; and
  2. Linking to the Greecers would be promoting hate and racism.

Now that I have disposed of this whole "Greece" thing, back to the real stories of the day:

  1. Global warming is real.
  2. The John Birch Society.
  3. Evolution, evolution, evolution.
  4. Everyone who disagrees with Obama once met a man who knew a man that may have been a "Birther" and must therefore be banned. And pwned.

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